Ancient Yoga as Modern Solution.

Though ancient in origin, Asanas (physical postures) have taken on added importance in our modern times. With the advancement of technologies designed to make our lives ‘easier’ many people have been coaxed into a sedentary lifestyle.   Yoga can remedy the tightness and weakness of our muscular-skeletal systems which results in unnatural body mechanics, poor posture and innumerable orthopedic issues.

Of course, having a fit body, and a competitive, anxious, materialist mind, is a degraded form of Yoga.  Our outward mental orientation, has us drowning in misinformation, while we are consumed by sense-stimulating images and the desires they promote.  Our minds run faster and more blindly. With much of the world’s information at the touch of a button, we retain the illusion that we are safe and connected. For most people the only remote place that remains is within. “Know thyself” we do not. 

Mahaprana Yoga has a special allure, because it hearkens back to a time when people were more connected to the Heavens, themselves, and Nature. The ancient seers who resided in the Himalayas many thousands of years ago have left us a valuable gift for today – a powerful recuperating mechanism, that can bring us back in touch with our true, eternal nature. 
